ESS Energy Storage System

ESS Energy Storage System

What is battery energy storage?

Battery energy storage system (BESS) is an advanced technological solution that allows the storage of energy in multiple ways for later use. Lithium ion battery storage systems, in particular, use rechargeable batteries to store energy generated by solar panels or supplied by the grid and then make it available when required. Battery energy storage benefits include energy efficiency, savings, and sustainability by enabling renewable sources and lowering consumption. As the energy transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy gathers speed, battery storage systems are becoming a more common feature of everyday life. Given the fluctuations involved in energy sources like wind and solar, battery systems are vital for utilities, businesses and homes to achieve a continual power supply. Energy storage systems are no longer an afterthought or an add-on. They are an integral part of renewable energy solutions.

How does a battery storage system work?

The operating principle of a battery energy storage system is straightforward. Batteries receive electricity from the power grid, straight from the power station, or from a renewable energy source like solar panels, and subsequently store it as current to then release it when it is needed. In a solar power system, the batteries charge during the day and discharge it when the sun is not shining. Modern batteries for a home or business solar energy system usually include a built-in inverter to change the DC current generated by solar panels into the AC current needed to power appliances or equipment. Battery storage works with an energy management system that manages the charge and discharge cycles based on real-time needs and availability.

What are the main battery storage applications?

Battery storage can be used in many ways that go beyond the simple emergency backup in the event of an energy shortage or blackout. Applications differ depending on whether the storage is being used for a business or a home.

For commercial and industrial users, there are several applications:

  • Peak shaving, or the ability to manage energy demand to avoid a sudden short term spike in consumption
  • Load shifting, which allows businesses to shift their energy consumption from one time period to another, by tapping the battery when energy costs more
  • By giving customers the flexibility to reduce their site’s grid demand at critical times – without changing their electricity consumption – energy storage makes it a  lot easier to participate in a Demand Response program and save on energy costs
  • Batteries are a key component of microgrids, which need energy storage to enable them to disconnect from the main electricity grid when needed
  • Renewable integration, since batteries guarantee a smooth and continuous electricity flow in the absence of the availability of power from renewable sources.
Residential users benefit from battery storage applications by:
  • Self consumption of renewable energy management, since residential users can produce solar energy during the daylight hours and then run their appliances at home at night
  • Going off the grid, or detaching completely from an electrical or energy utility
  • Emergency backup in the event of a blackout

What are the battery energy storage benefits?

 The overall advantage of battery storage systems is that they make renewable energy more reliable and thus more viable. The supply of solar and wind power can fluctuate, so battery storage systems are crucial to “smoothing out” this flow to provide a continuous power supply of energy when it’s needed around the clock, no matter whether the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. Besides the clear environmental gains from battery storage systems because of the important role they play in the energy transition, there are several distinct battery storage benefits for consumers and businesses. Energy storage can help users save on costs by warehousing low-cost energy and supplying during peak periods when electricity rates are higher.

And battery storage allows businesses to participate in a Demand Response program, thereby creating potential new revenue streams.

Another important battery storage benefit is that it helps businesses avoid the costly disruptions caused by blackouts of the grid. Energy storage is a strategic benefit in times of rising energy costs and geopolitical issues that could affect the security of energy supply.

How long does a battery energy storage last and how to give it a second life?

Most energy battery storage systems last between 5 to 15 years. As part of the ecosystem of solutions for the energy transition, battery energy storages are tools to enable sustainability and, at the same time, they themselves must be fully sustainable.


The reuse of batteries and recycling of the materials they contain at the end of their life are all-around sustainability goals and an effective application of the Circular Economy. Recovering an increasing quantity of materials from a lithium battery in a second life leads to environmental benefits, in both the extraction and disposal stages. Giving a second life to batteries, by reusing them in different but still effective ways, also leads to economic benefits.


Who manages the battery energy storage system?

Regardless of whether you already have a battery storage system up and running in your facility or are interested in adding more capacity, LIAO can work with you to ensure that all the energy needs of your business are met. Our battery storage system is equipped with our optimization software, which is designed to work with all kinds of distributed energy resources and can easily be integrated into existing systems, such as solar photovoltaic systems. LIAO will take care of everything from the design to the development and construction of the battery storage system, as well as its regular and exceptional operations and maintenance.


Post time: Aug-16-2022